Bilateral Inspectorate Workshops: tackling international drivers’ working correct remuneration

In spring 2021, Trans­Fair part­ners atten­ded three bila­te­ral labour inspec­to­rate work­shops (DE-PL, AT-SI, BE-CZ) to dis­cuss tasks and chal­len­ges rela­ted to the inspec­tion of dri­vers’ working con­di­ti­ons and cor­rect remu­ne­ra­tion in cross-bor­­der road trans­port. The bila­te­ral work­shops were atten­ded by 8 to 27 par­ti­ci­pants inclu­ding Natio­nal Labour Inspec­to­ra­tes, trade uni­ons, Traf­fic Police, Finan­cial Police, employer […]

New TransFair report

Ano­t­her Trans­Fair report is out now! It explo­res working con­di­ti­ons and com­pany stra­te­gies in cross-bor­­der road trans­port in Aus­tria and Slo­ve­nia. Down­load here: 

TransFair training material for transport unions

For more than one year, the Trans­Fair pro­ject team col­la­bo­ra­ted and worked out how to bet­ter approach dri­vers in inter­na­tio­nal trans­port and how to improve trans­port uni­ons cross-bor­­der coope­ra­tion. The trai­ning mate­rial, autho­red by San­dra Stern (FORBA), pro­vi­des in-depth infor­ma­tion, best prac­ti­ces and tools for uni­ons active in the trans­port sec­tor to deve­lop fur­ther their […]

More leaflets for drivers

In the Slo­­ve­­nian-Aus­­­trian tan­dem mee­ting that took place online on April 6, an infor­ma­tion leaf­let for dri­vers of Slo­ve­nian com­pa­nies on Aus­trian ter­ri­tory was pre­sen­ted. The leaf­let pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about mini­mum wage enti­t­le­ments in Aus­tria. It is avail­able in Slo­ve­nian, BHS, Eng­lish and Ger­man.  The leaf­lets can be down­loa­ded here: DE SLO BHS ENG

Third country nationals in the Czech transport sector

In Cze­chia, the recruit­ment of third coun­try natio­nals into the Czech eco­nomy, inclu­ding the trans­port sec­tor, is of vital impor­t­ance due to a mas­sive labour shor­tage. Gover­ne­men­tal pro­gram­mes allow for the tar­get­ted recruit­ment of workers from third coun­tries. The Trans­Fair rese­arch found out that dri­vers from third coun­tries can expe­ri­ence various forms of non-com­­pli­ant employer […]

Third country nationals and temporary agencies in the Polish transport sector

Trans­Fair’s first coun­try spe­ci­fic report deals with employ­ment regu­la­tion, recruit­ment prac­ti­ces and working con­di­ti­ons of third coun­try natio­nals in Polish road freight trans­port. Third coun­try natio­nals, mainly from Ukraine, have become key per­son­nel in the Polish road trans­port indus­try and are a con­sti­tu­tive ele­ment of Polish hau­liers’ com­pe­ti­tive advan­tage in the EU, mainly due to […]

The quantitative dimension of road freight transport in Europe — a summary

Lynn de Smedt and Fre­de­ric De Wis­pe­leare pro­vi­ded and exten­sive report about the quan­ti­ta­tive dimen­sion and eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons in the Euro­pean freight trans­port mar­ket. A con­cise sum­mary, inclu­ding illus­tra­tive graphs about eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons in the road freight sec­tor bet­ween Aus­tria and Slo­ve­nia, the Czech Repu­blic and Bel­gium as well as Ger­many and Poland can be […]

Leaflet for drivers on international journeys

Faire Mobi­li­tät and Soli­dar­ność have publis­hed a leaf­let for lorry dri­vers on inter­na­tio­nal jour­neys. The leaf­let pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about mini­mum wage, prac­ti­cal tips for docu­men­ting working time and con­tact points for dri­vers’ sup­port in Ger­many and Poland. The leaf­let is dis­tri­bu­ted in reach-out acti­vi­ties on the road.

First TransFair Report online

Lynn de Smedt and Fre­de­ric De Wis­pe­leare con­clu­ded the first Trans­Fair pro­ject out­put. They exami­ned the quan­ti­ta­tive dimen­sion and eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons in the Euro­pean freight trans­port mar­ket: “Road freight trans­port in the EU. In ser­ach of a balance bet­ween the eco­no­mic and social dimen­sion of the inter­nal mar­ket. A quan­ti­ta­tive sec­to­ral analysis”