Veranstaltung: Faire Arbeitsbedingungen im Transportgewerbe? Bestandsaufnahme und Einschätzungen zum EU-Mobilitätspaket
Freitag, 10. Juni 2022, 9:00 — 13:30 Uhr Faire Lohn- und Arbeitsbedingungen auf Europäischen Autobahnen – eine lange Reise! Unsichere und niedrige Entlohnung, lange stressige Arbeitstage sowie wochen- bis monatelange Abwesenheiten von zu Hause prägen das Berufsbild der Beschäftigten im Straßenverkehrssektor. Der steigende Druck auf die Arbeitsbedingungen der Fahrer:innen – viele von ihnen kommen aus Osteuropa oder Drittstaaten – führt nicht nur
TransFair final conference: presentations
The TransFair team completed successfully the final international event “The Road to Transparent and Fair Remuneration and Working Conditions in the Transport Sector” in Gdansk. We assembled topical contributions from our excellent research team, from highly esteemed external experts, ELA, DG Move, employer organisations, trade unions and national inspection authorities. Below you find the presentations as well as some impressions
TransFair final conference: impressions
Impressions of the final international TransFair event in Gdansk
TransFair final conference in Gdansk and online on March 31-April 1, 2022
The TransFair final conference “The Road to Transparent and Fair Remuneration and Working Conditions in the TransportSector” will take place in Gdansk, hosted by our project partner Solidarność, and online. The conference assembles all project partners and participants, including representatives of the European Commission (DG Move), social partner institutions, labour and road inspectorates and researchers to discuss project outcomes and
Save the Date: TransFair Final Conference on March 31 — April 1, 2022
The conference assembles all project partners and participants, including representatives of social partner institutions, labour inspectors and researchers to discuss project outcomesand conclusions for future policies to safeguard labour standards in cross-border European road transport. In dialogue with key stakeholders from national, EU and international level, the final conference shall give the floor to share, disseminate and critically assess TransFair
Transnational Inspectorate Workshop: the role of drivers in inspection processes
Based on the three bilateral labour inspectorate workshops, another TransFair event was held online. In the transnational workshop on September 20, 2021, we summarised findings so far about labour inspectorates’ competences, cooperation and challenges to inspect working conditions and remuneration in cross-border road transport. Moreover, Robertas Lukasevicius of the European Labour Authority gave an input about cross-border inspcetions in road
Bilateral Inspectorate Workshops: tackling international drivers’ working correct remuneration
In spring 2021, TransFair partners attended three bilateral labour inspectorate workshops (DE-PL, AT-SI, BE-CZ) to discuss tasks and challenges related to the inspection of drivers’ working conditions and correct remuneration in cross-border road transport. The bilateral workshops were attended by 8 to 27 participants including National Labour Inspectorates, trade unions, Traffic Police, Financial Police, employer organisations and social security organisations.
More leaflets for drivers
In the Slovenian-Austrian tandem meeting that took place online on April 6, an information leaflet for drivers of Slovenian companies on Austrian territory was presented. The leaflet provides information about minimum wage entitlements in Austria. It is available in Slovenian, BHS, English and German. The leaflets can be downloaded here: DE SLO BHS ENG
TransFair Transnational Union Workshop — Online!
On October 1, TransFair’s first transnational workshop took place. It gathered all consortium members, unions and research institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Belgium and Czechia. In the transnational online workshop, TransFair partners exchanged about new research findings on the European road transport sector, its quantitative dimension, the role of third country nationals in Polish road transport and the different
TransFair Union action in Slovenia
On September 1st, 2020, TransFair partners arranged an information action for truck drivers on international transport journeys. The Slovenian union nsds and the Austrian union vida met for a joint action on the highway next to Prepolje near the Austrian-Slovenian border to provide truck drivers with information about minimum wage entitlements when they work abroad. Many of the drivers coming
Faire Mobilität on the road
Regularly, Faire Mobilität, our German project partner, engages in informing and getting into conversation with international drivers. On June 20, they distributed new information material: Click here to open Facebook Post (German)
TransFair continues during Covid-19 crisis
Despite the Covid-19 crisis, TransFair activities continue. The first joint visit between partners from Poland and Germany, Solidarnos´c and Faire Mobilität, has taken place in the beginning of May. In an online conference, a common leaflet for drivers was discussed. The Austrian-Slovenian tandem met virtually as well. Nsds, vida and FORBA, exchanged union experiences during the Covid-crisis and prepared steps
TransFair Kick-off Meeting
The TransFair kick-off meeting took place in Vienna on February 21st and 22nd 2020 at the premises of the union vida. It was a lively gathering assembling all the project partners — unions, researchers, workers support organisations from Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, and Slovenia.The coordinating team presented main project aims and the ambitious schedule, including qualitative and
Veranstaltung: Faire Arbeitsbedingungen im Transportgewerbe? Bestandsaufnahme und Einschätzungen zum EU-Mobilitätspaket
Freitag, 10. Juni 2022, 9:00 — 13:30 Uhr Faire Lohn- und Arbeitsbedingungen auf Europäischen Autobahnen – eine lange Reise! Unsichere und niedrige Entlohnung, lange stressige Arbeitstage sowie wochen- bis monatelange Abwesenheiten von zu Hause prägen das Berufsbild der Beschäftigten im Straßenverkehrssektor. Der steigende Druck auf die Arbeitsbedingungen der Fahrer:innen – viele von ihnen kommen aus Osteuropa oder Drittstaaten – führt nicht nur
TransFair final conference: presentations
The TransFair team completed successfully the final international event “The Road to Transparent and Fair Remuneration and Working Conditions in the Transport Sector” in Gdansk. We assembled topical contributions from our excellent research team, from highly esteemed external experts, ELA, DG Move, employer organisations, trade unions and national inspection authorities. Below you find the presentations as well as some impressions
TransFair final conference: impressions
Impressions of the final international TransFair event in Gdansk
TransFair final conference in Gdansk and online on March 31-April 1, 2022
The TransFair final conference “The Road to Transparent and Fair Remuneration and Working Conditions in the TransportSector” will take place in Gdansk, hosted by our project partner Solidarność, and online. The conference assembles all project partners and participants, including representatives of the European Commission (DG Move), social partner institutions, labour and road inspectorates and researchers to discuss project outcomes and
Save the Date: TransFair Final Conference on March 31 — April 1, 2022
The conference assembles all project partners and participants, including representatives of social partner institutions, labour inspectors and researchers to discuss project outcomesand conclusions for future policies to safeguard labour standards in cross-border European road transport. In dialogue with key stakeholders from national, EU and international level, the final conference shall give the floor to share, disseminate and critically assess TransFair
Transnational Inspectorate Workshop: the role of drivers in inspection processes
Based on the three bilateral labour inspectorate workshops, another TransFair event was held online. In the transnational workshop on September 20, 2021, we summarised findings so far about labour inspectorates’ competences, cooperation and challenges to inspect working conditions and remuneration in cross-border road transport. Moreover, Robertas Lukasevicius of the European Labour Authority gave an input about cross-border inspcetions in road
Bilateral Inspectorate Workshops: tackling international drivers’ working correct remuneration
In spring 2021, TransFair partners attended three bilateral labour inspectorate workshops (DE-PL, AT-SI, BE-CZ) to discuss tasks and challenges related to the inspection of drivers’ working conditions and correct remuneration in cross-border road transport. The bilateral workshops were attended by 8 to 27 participants including National Labour Inspectorates, trade unions, Traffic Police, Financial Police, employer organisations and social security organisations.
More leaflets for drivers
In the Slovenian-Austrian tandem meeting that took place online on April 6, an information leaflet for drivers of Slovenian companies on Austrian territory was presented. The leaflet provides information about minimum wage entitlements in Austria. It is available in Slovenian, BHS, English and German. The leaflets can be downloaded here: DE SLO BHS ENG
TransFair Transnational Union Workshop — Online!
On October 1, TransFair’s first transnational workshop took place. It gathered all consortium members, unions and research institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Belgium and Czechia. In the transnational online workshop, TransFair partners exchanged about new research findings on the European road transport sector, its quantitative dimension, the role of third country nationals in Polish road transport and the different
TransFair Union action in Slovenia
On September 1st, 2020, TransFair partners arranged an information action for truck drivers on international transport journeys. The Slovenian union nsds and the Austrian union vida met for a joint action on the highway next to Prepolje near the Austrian-Slovenian border to provide truck drivers with information about minimum wage entitlements when they work abroad. Many of the drivers coming