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Project output

The Trans­Fair Policy Brief high­lights key fin­dings and pro­ject out­co­mes, pro­vi­des good prac­tice input for inspec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties and makes pro­po­sals for an effec­tive and prac­ti­ca­ble regu­la­tive frame­work to tackle labour law infrin­ge­ments in cross-bor­der road transport.
The Bel­gian trade union and Trans­Fair pro­ject part­ner BTB-ABVV publis­hed a book­let in 10 lan­guages assis­ting dri­vers to use the vehicle’s tacho­graph to docu­ment their working, avai­la­bi­lity and dri­ving time.


A news­let­ter briefly resu­mes the Trans­Fair fin­dings and actions. The news­let­ter is avail­able in Eng­lish, Ger­man, Slo­ve­nian, Czech and Polish.

Bet­tina Hai­din­ger & Ulrike Papou­schek (2021): Cross-bor­der road freight trans­port and fair work. Evi­dence from Aus­tria and Slo­ve­nia, Vienna. PDF

San­dra Stern (2021): Trans­Fair Trai­ning mate­rial: Six tools to orga­nise truck dri­vers in Europe.

Trans­Fair Trai­ning Mate­rial PL
Trans­Fair Trai­ning Mate­rial CZ
Trans­Fair Trai­ning Mate­rial DE
Trans­Fr­air Trai­ning Mate­rial SI
Trans­Fair Trai­ning Mate­rial EN

Trans­Fair Leaf­lets for inter­na­tio­nal drivers

Trans­Fair Leaf­lets DE — PL: DE PL UKR RU

Trans­Fair Leaf­lets AT — SI: DE SI BHS EN

Trans­Fair Leaf­lets CZ — BE/AT/GER: EN CZ RU

Olga Gheor­ghiev (2021): Third-coun­try natio­nals and the road  trans­port labour mar­ket in the Czech Repu­blic. Praha PDF

Domi­nik Owc­z­a­rek (2020): Employ­ment of third coun­try natio­nals and the role of tem­porary agen­cies in the Polish trans­port sec­tor, War­saw PL EN

Lynn De Smedt & Fre­de­ric De Wis­pe­laere (2020): Road freight trans­port in the EU. In search of a balance bet­ween the eco­no­mic and social dimen­sion of the inter­nal mar­ket. A quan­ti­ta­tive sec­to­ral ana­ly­sis. PDF

 Lynn De Smedt & Fre­de­ric De Wis­pe­laere (2021): Road freight trans­port in the EU. In search of a balance bet­ween the eco­no­mic and social dimen­sion of the inter­nal mar­ket. A quan­ti­ta­tive sec­to­ral ana­ly­sis. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Further references

Hai­din­ger, B. (2018). Tack­ling Unde­cla­red Work in the Road Trans­port Indus­try. A lear­ning resource from the Road Trans­port Semi­nar of the Euro­pean Plat­form Unde­cla­red Work, Brussels. PDF

McGau­ran, K. (2016). The impact of let­ter­box- type prac­ti­ces on labour rights and public reve­nue. Somo, ETUC. PDF

Ras­nača, Z., & Ber­na­ciak, M. (2020). Pos­ting of workers before natio­nal courts, ETUI, Brussels. PDF

Ras­nača, Z., (2019). Reim­bur­se­ment rules for pos­ted workers: map­ping natio­nal law in the EU28, ETUI, Brussels. PDF

Ricardo Energy & Envi­ron­ment. (2017a). Study to sup­port the impact  assess­ment for the revi­sion of  Regu­la­tion (EC) No 1071/2009 and Regu­la­tion (EC) No 1072/2009  Anne­xes. Brussels: EC, DG Move. PDF

Ricardo Energy & Envi­ron­ment. (2017b). Study to sup­port the impact assess­ment for the revi­sion of  Regu­la­tion (EC) No 1071/2009 and Regu­la­tion (EC) No 1072/2009. Brussels: EC. PDF

Ste­fa­nov, R., Daniela M., Petar T., & Colin W. (2020). Prac­ti­tio­ners’ Tool­kit: Cross-Bor­der Con­cer­ted and Joint Inspec­tions. PDF

Vitols, K., & Voss, E. (2019). SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN LOGISTICS IN EUROPE: FOCUS ON ROAD TRANSPORT, EVA – Euro­päi­sche Aka­de­mie für umwelt­ori­en­tier­ten Ver­kehr, Ber­lin. PDF

Wil­liams, C.C. (2017) Deve­lo­ping a Holistic Approach for Tack­ling Unde­cla­red Work: a lear­ning resource, Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, Brussels.


Zwa­nen­burg, A. & Bed­na­rowicz. (2019). Cross-Bor­der Employ­ment and Social Rights in the EU Road Trans­port Sec­tor, Ele­ven Inter­na­tio­nal Publi­shing, The Hague.