Summary & project aims

other lan­guages: DE, CZ, SI
The Road to Transparent and Fair Remuneration and Working Conditions in the Transport Sector

Fair remu­ne­ra­tion and decent working con­di­ti­ons in road trans­port and its enfor­ce­ment are one of the top prio­ri­ties in Euro­pean deba­tes about equal rights for workers on the move in Europe. Dif­fi­cult working con­di­ti­ons, com­plex sec­to­ral regu­la­ti­ons and — up until now – the unsol­ved ques­tion of app­ly­ing pos­ting regu­la­ti­ons to cross-bor­der road trans­port wit­hin Europe chal­lenge inspec­to­ra­tes to con­trol com­pli­ance, and social part­ners to safe­guard fair com­pe­ti­tion and working con­di­ti­ons in road hau­lage. Trans­Fair takes on a sec­to­ral approach, focu­sing on rese­arch, coope­ra­tion of sta­ke­hol­ders, nota­bly trans­port uni­ons and labour inspec­to­ra­tes, and on an impro­ved infor­ma­tion to dri­vers in the Euro­pean road trans­port sec­tor. Moreo­ver, it will con­tri­bute to the ongo­ing legis­la­tive pro­cess of imple­men­ting the mobi­lity package as well as to deba­tes about set­ting up a Euro­pean Labour Aut­ho­rity and its scope of tasks in the trans­port sec­tor. Trans­Fair fore­sees three actions:

  1. Quan­ti­ta­tive and qua­li­ta­tive rese­arch about employ­ment prac­ti­ces and com­pany struc­tures in Euro­pean road transport
  2. Joint trans­na­tio­nal union actions inten­si­fy­ing coope­ra­tion as well as deve­lo­ping user-friendly infor­ma­tion and sup­port to dri­vers on inter­na­tio­nal journeys
  3. Exchange of infor­ma­tion and good prac­ti­ces of coope­ra­tion among labour inspec­to­ra­tes and other com­pe­tent aut­ho­ri­ties in the road trans­port sec­tor inclu­ding a sys­te­ma­tic and up-to-date dis­cus­sion about rele­vant social and sec­tor-spe­ci­fic regulation

The con­sor­tium inclu­des two rese­arch insti­tu­tes, one non-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­tion and four uni­ons from Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Poland, Slo­ve­nia and the Czech Repu­blic. One EU level social part­ner, worker advo­cacy insti­tu­ti­ons, inclu­ding one from Ger­many, uni­ons, inclu­ding one from Ser­bia and natio­nal labour inspec­to­ra­tes are invol­ved as asso­ciate organisations.


Policy Recommendations for the European Road Transport Sector 

The Trans­Fair Policy Brief high­lights key fin­dings and pro­ject out­co­mes, pro­vi­des good prac­tice input for inspec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties and makes pro­po­sals for an effec­tive and prac­ti­ca­ble regu­la­tive frame­work to tackle labour law infrin­ge­ments in cross-bor­­­der road trans­port. The Policy Brief is

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Veranstaltung: Faire Arbeitsbedingungen im Transportgewerbe? Bestandsaufnahme und Einschätzungen zum EU-Mobilitätspaket 

Frei­tag, 10. Juni 2022, 9:00 — 13:30 Uhr Faire Lohn- und Arbeits­be­din­gun­gen auf Euro­päi­schen Auto­bah­nen – eine lange Reise! Unsi­chere und nied­rige Ent­loh­nung, lange stres­sige Arbeits­tage sowie wochen- bis mona­te­lange Abwe­sen­hei­ten von zu Hause prä­gen das Berufs­bild der Beschäf­tig­ten im Stra­ßen­ver­kehrs­sek­tor. Der

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Use your tachograph to document your working time! 

The Bel­gian trade union and Trans­Fair pro­ject part­ner BTB-ABVV publis­hed a book­let in 10 lan­guages assis­ting dri­vers to use the vehi­cle’s tacho­graph to docu­ment their working, avai­la­bi­lity and dri­ving time.

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