In Czechia, the recruitment of third country nationals into the Czech economy, including the transport sector, is of vital importance due to a massive labour shortage. Governemental programmes allow for the targetted recruitment of workers from third countries. The TransFair research found out that drivers from third countries can experience various forms of non-compliant employer behaviour: they were forced to manipulate the tachograph in order to reduce resting time, they were either underpaid, or owed parts of the remuneration. In terms of working conditions, drivers had to work in an unsafe environment given the poor technical state of trucks and were never provided with adequate accommodation. Support for third country national drivers is limited in Czechia. NGOs lack the capacities for effective and sustainable actions towards preventing abuses. For unions and Labour Inspectorates up until now the working conditions of drivers from third countries have remained a martginalised subject.
The whole report in English can be found here: