News from the EU II: van den Bosch judgement by the CJEU

The Euro­pean Court of Jus­tice finally reached a ver­dict in the case Van den Bosch vs FNV (C‑815/18). The court deci­ded that trans­port workers fall under the Pos­ting of Workers Direc­tive, howe­ver a suf­fi­ci­ent con­nec­tion to the ter­ri­tory of the workers’ recei­ving coun­try must be pro­ved to bene­fit from the labour pro­tec­tion of this state. You […]

News from the EU I: driving and rest times — a guideline

The mobi­lity package has been appro­ved and some of the regu­la­ti­ons are in place since August 20, 2020. To keep an over­view over the new regu­la­ti­ons, the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, publis­hed Q&As to pres­sing topics, such as the return of the dri­ver to “home”, wee­kly rests, multi-man­­ning and breaks or manual record­ing of bor­der cros­sing.

Slovenian media coverage of the TransFair action

The Trans­Fair action that was jointly orga­nised by the Aus­trian union vida and the Slo­ve­nian union nsds recei­ved par­ti­cu­lar public atten­tion. Find in the links below, a broad­cas­ting con­tri­bu­tion and a news­pa­per arti­cle brin­ging inter­views with the two trans­port uni­ons and main messages of the action to a wider audi­ence. tv news­pa­per arti­cle

Legislative acts of Mobility Package officially in force

On July 31st, the legis­la­tive acts nego­tia­ted wit­hin the so cal­led Mobi­lity Package have been publis­hed in the Offi­cial Jour­nal of the Euro­pean Union. They con­cern: rest and dri­ving peri­ods for dri­vers, new pro­vi­si­ons for intro­du­cing the smart tacho­graph, new pro­vi­si­ons con­cer­ning access to the inter­na­tio­nal road hau­lage mar­ket and con­cer­ning con­di­ti­ons to be complied […]

Mobility Package approved by the European Parliament

After a very long period of nego­tia­ti­ons, the mobi­lity package for road trans­port has been appro­ved by the Euro­pean par­lia­ment on July 8, 2020. It will bring new regu­la­ti­ons for pos­ting of workers in road trans­port, new regu­la­ti­ons for dri­vers’ rest time and new mea­su­res to detect let­­ter-box com­pa­nies in road trans­port. Here, you find […]

Video Clip by FNV “How Van den Bosch Transporten works”

The Dutch union FNV is one of the par­ties in the “van den Bosch Trans­por­ten” case cur­r­ently at stake at the Euro­pean Court of Jus­tice (see: Post “Pos­ting of dri­vers before the ECJ”). The case deals with the ques­tion if pos­ting of workers rules should also be app­li­ca­ble to truck dri­vers that carry out international […]

Extension of driving times during the Corona crisis

Truck dri­vers are among the “sys­­tem-rele­­vant” pro­fes­si­ons, not only in Corona times. In order to ensure the free move­ment and sup­ply of goods even now, dri­vers have to work under dif­fi­cult con­di­ti­ons that are hazar­dous to health. Ins­tead of impro­ved and safer working con­di­ti­ons and the reco­gni­tion of the “sys­tem rele­vance” of their acti­vity, drivers […]

Posting of drivers before the ECJ

Will the van den Bosch case before the ECJ cla­rify whe­ther and which cross-bor­­der road trans­port ser­vices are sub­ject to the pos­ting of workers direc­tive? On April 30, the advo­cate gene­ral publis­hed its opi­nion con­cer­ning the van den Bosch Trans­por­ten vs.Federatie Neder­landse Vak­be­we­ging case. Princi­pally, he con­firms that the direc­tive 96/71/EC (“pos­ting of workers directive”) […]

TransFair Kick-off Meeting

The Trans­Fair kick-off mee­ting took place in Vienna on Febru­ary 21st and 22nd 2020 at the pre­mi­ses of the union vida. It was a lively gathe­ring assemb­ling all the pro­ject part­ners — uni­ons, rese­ar­chers, workers sup­port orga­ni­sa­ti­ons from Aus­tria, Bel­gium, the Czech Repu­blic, Ger­many, Poland, and Slo­ve­nia.The coor­di­na­ting team pre­sen­ted main pro­ject aims and the […]