Extension of driving times during the Corona crisis

Truck dri­vers are among the “sys­­tem-rele­­vant” pro­fes­si­ons, not only in Corona times. In order to ensure the free move­ment and sup­ply of goods even now, dri­vers have to work under dif­fi­cult con­di­ti­ons that are hazar­dous to health. Ins­tead of impro­ved and safer working con­di­ti­ons and the reco­gni­tion of the “sys­tem rele­vance” of their acti­vity, drivers […]

Posting of drivers before the ECJ

Will the van den Bosch case before the ECJ cla­rify whe­ther and which cross-bor­­der road trans­port ser­vices are sub­ject to the pos­ting of workers direc­tive? On April 30, the advo­cate gene­ral publis­hed its opi­nion con­cer­ning the van den Bosch Trans­por­ten vs.Federatie Neder­landse Vak­be­we­ging case. Princi­pally, he con­firms that the direc­tive 96/71/EC (“pos­ting of workers directive”) […]

TransFair Kick-off Meeting

The Trans­Fair kick-off mee­ting took place in Vienna on Febru­ary 21st and 22nd 2020 at the pre­mi­ses of the union vida. It was a lively gathe­ring assemb­ling all the pro­ject part­ners — uni­ons, rese­ar­chers, workers sup­port orga­ni­sa­ti­ons from Aus­tria, Bel­gium, the Czech Repu­blic, Ger­many, Poland, and Slo­ve­nia.The coor­di­na­ting team pre­sen­ted main pro­ject aims and the […]