Faire Mobilität on the road

Regu­larly, Faire Mobi­li­tät, our Ger­man pro­ject part­ner, enga­ges in informing and get­ting into con­ver­sa­tion with inter­na­tio­nal dri­vers. On June 20, they dis­tri­bu­ted new infor­ma­tion mate­rial: Click here to open Face­book Post (Ger­man)

Video Clip by FNV “How Van den Bosch Transporten works”

The Dutch union FNV is one of the par­ties in the “van den Bosch Trans­por­ten” case cur­r­ently at stake at the Euro­pean Court of Jus­tice (see: Post “Pos­ting of dri­vers before the ECJ”). The case deals with the ques­tion if pos­ting of workers rules should also be app­li­ca­ble to truck dri­vers that carry out international […]

TransFair continues during Covid-19 crisis

Des­pite the Covid-19 cri­sis, Trans­Fair acti­vi­ties con­ti­nue. The first joint visit bet­ween part­ners from Poland and Ger­many, Solidarnos´c and Faire Mobi­li­tät, has taken place in the begin­ning of May. In an online con­fe­rence, a com­mon leaf­let for dri­vers was dis­cus­sed. The Aus­­­trian-Slo­­ve­­nian tan­dem met vir­tually as well. Nsds, vida and FORBA, exch­an­ged union expe­ri­en­ces during […]